Supernatural finale
Supernatural finale

supernatural finale

There’s no more “get out of jail free” cards, no more divine intervention or “I’m Batman!” lucky pen throws.


(Not to mention that Season 1’s Jenny is part of the group.) Things don’t play by the same rules though because Team Free Will were victorious against Chuck’s plans. There’s something poignant in being bested by a classic villain mentioned in Dad’s journal, something they often referenced in the early seasons. Interestingly, the Supernatural ending episode plot centers around a normal hunt: a gang of kidnapping, masked vampires that Daddy Winchester had investigated years ago.

supernatural finale


They reunite to keep riding that road together… in heaven. If you are having trouble (emotionally) processing everything that went down in the series’ final hour or you’re just not ready to let go of this show yet, here’s an explainer of everything that went down in the Winchesters’ final ride… The Supernatural Series Finale Calls Back to the Beginning


It serves its purpose of bringing the series full circle to its humble beginnings: Sam gets his normal life. “Carry On” is essentially a forty-minute epilogue to tie up loose ends after the definitive battle against God. We had our theories about what might happen in the 15-season show’s ender, but Supernatural kept us guessing right until its final moments. It’s hard to believe it, but Supernatural has come to an end. “You just pick a number,” the receptionist tells her.This Supernatural article contains MAJOR spoilers for the series finale. What might a glimpse of that possibility do to a mind like Lydia Tár’s? At a massage parlor in that unnamed Asian city, she stands before a chamber, the “fishbowl,” in which a score of young women await selection, an overt enactment of the subtle power dynamic Lydia has been taking advantage of for years. And now a future exists in which she never has that opportunity, in which Mahler’s Fifth is missing from her career just like its score is from her shelf, all thanks to a ghost from her past. It is for this sublime symphony that Lydia has worked, fought, seduced, acceded, betrayed, loved. This is, after all, what she long dreamed would be the crowning moment in her career.

supernatural finale

And maybe we are not quite meant to believe it. Maybe what they mean is that it’s unbelievable. More than one critic has noted how unusually melodramatic this moment seems. He pays her no mind, not even as she rushes the stage, tackling the hack they’ve brought in to replace her. And now, somehow, we are backstage at the climactic performance, and somehow Lydia is there too, standing next to the trumpeter while he fanfares. She loses her position, loses her chance at the Fifth. Sharon kicks her out and withholds their daughter. Olga abandons her at her hotel for someone more fun. Protesters picket her poorly attended reading in New York. We are in Lydia Tár’s point of view now, in her subjective space, and all is unraveling with shocking speed, including possibly her mind. She loses the support of her foundation, her access to a private jet. Her performance score for Mahler’s Fifth disappears without explanation. A story in the New York Post accuses her of grooming multiple young women. A video of a charged encounter at Juilliard goes viral, oddly edited from multiple perspectives, even though no one in that rehearsal room seemed to have a phone out.

Supernatural finale